the lost of your abandon

predisposed –
intentionally – irrelevant.
fall-out fabricated –
demure – suffocating what’s left of the fabric of us…

where would our was reside if the fond of our now
consumed ravenously by the insatiable arrogance of not allowed?

to gamble the very breath of survive
for a few – possibilities –
slivers of dream (might)?
most heinous written part in this play of doesn’t matter!
what surge of awesome,
more valued possession than time?

expected –
no option of mitigation
no simulacrum of suppose.

defiant – the color of your behavior.
disengaged –
muted memories.
not enough – saved - to compensate
for the – lost - from your abandon.

of dying

who would have known,
pruning the broken old apple tree,
would enlighten to this degree?

to realize there is no bridge between the worlds of is,
and imagining,
more brutal slaying than loss of life slowly realized.

suffocation –
notes not written.
farewell –
so poignantly –

the lost of your abandon

predisposed –

intentionally – irrelevant.
fall-out fabricated –
demure – suffocating what’s left of the fabric of us…

where would our was reside if the fond of our now
consumed ravenously by the insatiable arrogance of not allowed?

to gamble the very breath of survive
for a few – possibilities –
slivers of dream (might)?
most heinous written part in this play of doesn’t matter!
what surge of awesome,
more valued possession than time?

expected –
no option of mitigation
no simulacrum of suppose.

defiant – the color of your behavior.
disengaged –
muted memories.
not enough – saved - to compensate
for the – lost - from your abandon.

prelude to indifference

what purpose –


unless guarantee of discern cast in stone.

why waste time writing vows of allegiance

if captioned in language of disallowed?

arrogant to speculate the texture of can.

more appropriate –

garments chosen in colors of doubt.

irrelevant – more fitting attire

for one untethered to dignity of refrain…

more painful than suppose

and there –without warning

blown effortlessly away

strong wind of indifference –

paper dreams crumbled

set sail to shores of forget.

what then –

when shadows lose their cloak of obscure –

stand unencumbered in the light of is?

will the night have stolen our memories?

ravenous weasel of war?

oh so sad –


much more appealing –

to drown in the tempestuous water of suppose.



a castaway –

stumbling upon the debris of hope.

abandoned –
banished to the shadows.
darkness even more profound than the thick of was…

i wonder –

if perhaps the real of is – if allowed,
could recreate the wonder of
that moment in time-
(as close as sky touching sea),
when we understood – real –

the touch,
the feel…

memory becomes the nemesis of life.
anchored in the shallow waters of forget.

a shiver,
remembering only the rush,

of nothing…